What day is it??…Friday you say.?. THANK THE UNIVERSE !!

I woke up this morning and had no idea what day of the week it was. I had to drag my sorry, tired butt out of bed and into the living room. I stood in front of the TV and waited for the newscaster to tell me what day it was…… Yaaaaay, they said it is Friday today.

I couldn’t be more ready for the weekend. I still took a pile of work home so I can get a bit ahead. This was a Hellacious work week. Some days you just wish you called in sick. It can feel like you never do anything right.

I had one of those days yesterday. I have been working on a project off and on with our IT department for a couple of years now. We have been forced to delay the project completion many, many times. Sometimes other priority projects are put on your desk and you are forced to push back what you have been working on.

Then, out of the blue, this “couple year long” project becomes a ‘Get it finished in the next 3 weeks’ project. Interestingly enough, week two was interrupted by ‘maybe here, maybe there, maybe back here again, maybe we really don’t know where it will be…..’ Hurricane Dorian. Week number two ended up only being 2 work days long. We went back to work on Thursday.

Well, the day before yesterday, the IT department had ALL of their project work done. I was up next. I had completed the instructions and the how to’s. Everything seemed like it was going to go smoothly.

Funny thing is….I find that when I assume things are going to go smoothly……..they usually Don’t. At the last minute, the brakes were put on my training sessions. I was totally blindsided. Come to find out another department has a specific protocol for communication within the corporation. This fact was never conveyed to me. I had discussed my plans with this department….and assumed everything was good. I wasn’t told to alter my plan or to proceed in a different manner.

At the last minute I am called into my bosses office…..(I already knew there was some type of problem because of an email). I knew I didn’t do anything wrong…..but my Boss was acting like I did…..like I missed some HUGE sign telling me to ‘STOP…DO NOT PASS GO….DO NOT COLLECT $200. ‘……lol, thank you Monopoly for this phrase….I will remember it forever….lololol

He was asking me questions in his really Vague way….we all normally have to ask him more than once to explain his questions. I will come right out and say “I’m sorry, I don’t know what you are asking me. What is it that you are looking for?” So the more I asked those questions, the more aggravated my boss became. I ended up in tears.

My boss is a wonderful, brilliant man. He would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it…..but he gets aggravated and kinda mean very easy. You end up either questioning your own intelligence or feeling as small as a bug.

I left his office and completed what he told me to do….with silent tears running down my face. Once it was done….I put up a sign that said “going on Break and then into the warehouse to fix a computer program problem”.

I went to my car, started it, cranked the AC since it is in the upper 80s lower 90s, and BLASTED vintage Avenged Sevenfold on the radio. After about 10 minutes, I thought I was done “Ugly Crying”….lolol. I really did have to go into the warehouse and deal with a software problem. I had to call the developer and have him walk me through the issue. 5 minutes into the conversation…..I have silent tears running down both cheeks…..I’m trying to not sound like I am all stuffed up from crying. That is all I needed….for the guy in a different country to know I was crying like a baby. Other warehouse associates were walking by me…..surely noticing that I was crying……and trying not to let me know….that they knew.

From the time I went to my car, worked with the developer, and finished answering questions about the soon to be implemented ‘project’ it was about one hour since the ‘boss blow up’ episode. I went back to my desk, put on my headphones, blasted Avenged Sevenfold, and took my lunch break. My phone continued to ring….with questions pertaining to the upcomimg project that I wasn’t able to verbally expalin…I ignored it. Normally I will answer the phone during lunch and help someone if I can….but not yesterday. NOPE, wasn’t going to do it. Screw It. Let people call in confusion. If I had it my way I would tell the callers to direct their questions to their department heads. That is petty though, and I try to NOT be petty.

So….as I said, I am just GLAD it is FRIDAY !!!! Hopefully you ALL have a WONDERFUL WEEKEND !!!